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Advent Devotionals

Christ in Christmas - Advent Devotionals


1st Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 9:2-6

A Child Will Be Born to Us

Songs: "Away in a Manger," "Jesus Loves Me"

Meditation questions:

  1. How much darkness does it take to overcome light?
  2. How much light does it take to overcome darkness?

Monday: The Creator of Man—Genesis 1:26-31

Tuesday: The Fall of Man—Genesis 3:1-24

Wednesday: Promise of Redemption—Genesis 3:15

Thursday: A Prophet Will Come—Deuteronomy 18:15-19

Friday: A Virgin with Child—Isaiah 7:10-14

Saturday: A Righteous Judge—Isaiah 11:1-5


2nd Sunday of Advent: Matthew 1:18-25

The Birth of Christ

Songs: "O Little Town of Bethlehem," "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"

Meditation questions:

  1. How did the birth of Jesus Christ change the course of history?
  2. How did the birth of Jesus Christ change your life?

Monday: A Savior and Deliverer—Isaiah 19:19-25

Tuesday: The Sovereign Lord Comes—Isaiah 40:9-11

Wednesday: Behold My Chosen One—Isaiah 42:1-4

Thursday: A Servant Brings Salvation—Isaiah 49:1-7

Friday: A Man of Sorrows—Isaiah 53:1-12

Saturday: God's Spirit is Upon Him—Isaiah 61:1-3


3rd Sunday of Advent: Luke 2:8-20

The Shepherds & The Angels

Songs: "Silent Night, Holy Night," "O Come, All Ye Faithful"

Meditation questions:

  1. What amazes you most about the Christmas story?
  2. How is being amazed different than fear?

Monday: A Righteous Branch—Jeremiah 23:5-6

Tuesday: A Ruler Over Israel—Micah 5:2

Wednesday: Your King Is Coming—Zechariah 9:9-10

Thursday: The Messenger Is Sent—Malachi 3:1

Friday: The Birth of John Is Foretold—Luke 1:1-25

Saturday: The Announcement to Mary—Luke 1:26-38


4th Sunday of Advent: Matthew 2:1-12

The Visit of the Magi

Songs: "We Three Kings," "The First Noel"

Meditation questions:

  1. What makes this story of how Herod "missed his King" so tragic?
  2. How do we try to remove Jesus' authority from our lives today?

Monday: Elizabeth and Mary—Luke 1:39-56

Tuesday: The Birth of Jesus—Luke 2:1-20

Wednesday: Presentation in the Temple—Luke 2:21-38

Thursday: The Pre-Eminent Christ—Colossians 1:15-23

Friday: Worthy Is the Lamb—Revelation 5:1-14

Saturday: The New Heaven and New Earth—Revelation 21:1-7


Christmas Eve: Luke 1:67-69

Celebrating the Visit of Christ

Songs: "Joy to the World," "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing"

Meditation questions:

  1. How do you feel knowing that Christ is looking intensely at His world, His church, and His people?
  2. What do you think about when you consider the Second Coming of Jesus?

Material taken from Christ in Christmas, published by NavPress, 1989. Complements ofDiscipleship Journal.