Friday, February 14, 2025
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Psalm 34: When Acting a Little Crazy

“Of David. When he pretended to be insane before Abimelek who drove him away, and he left.” Introduction: The key verse in Psalm 34 is v. 18, “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Why would anyone write this verse? (See the title of the Psalm.)


Life Lesson 1: Fear or Trust?

  • Fear is always a choice.

My greatest fear can be God's greatest opportunity!

See what David did in 1 Sam.17

Let God be the "who"; he can show us the "how".

"This isn't about me and my fear, but there is something bigger at stake here."

Life Lesson 2: If I have to have control, I will always be fearful

Just because I am no longer in control does not mean that God is no longer in control!

  • God has given me responsibility-he has not given me control.

See God's promise in Romans 8:34-39

Life Lesson 3: The answer to fear is to build my confidence in God!

A mistake we often make is we focus on the things that we fear. While that might seem like a good idea, it just doesn't work.

Instead, if I focus on God's love and care for me-like David did-I can find victory over fear!

"One thing I ask of the Lord,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple." 27:4

It's not that life isn't scary, difficult or stressful-but it is that God's love and care are greater.

  • Only when I am more certain of God's love and care for me than I am certain of the things that I fear-only then can I win over fear!
  • So, the question we should ask ourselves & each other is: NOT "what are you afraid of?" BUT "How confident are you in God's love and care for you?"

Let's memorize Psalm 27:1 together