Friday, February 14, 2025
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Our Pattern Prayer

This is a quick overview of the Lord’s prayer. By following the pattern of the Lord's prayer, we will discover pattern prayers can help us get started when we need help, and yet they can be elaborated on as we get more experienced.

We will discover the following about the pattern of the Lord's Prayer.

  1. Pattern prayers don't always create results that sound or look exactly like the pattern, although the main elements are still present.
  2. Pattern prayers take some getting used to.
  3. Pattern prayers are adaptable to our needs and skills.
  4. Pattern prayers help us get started when we need help, and yet they can be elaborated on as we get more experienced.

[h1heading]The Lord's Pattern Prayer—Matt. 6:9-l4.[/h1heading]

Before we view it closely, who’s the model for the pattern?

The person

The disciples wanted to pray when they saw Jesus praying—Luke 11:1. There were times when He spent the whole night in prayer—Luke 6:12; Mark 1:35-39. There were times of prayer prior to every major event in His public life—Matt. 4:1-11; 26:36-46; Lk. 6:12-16; 9:28-36.

Let's begin with a bird's eye view.

The parts of the Prayer

It is important to realize it's a pattern, not an inflexible form.The Prayer serves as an outline, giving us a structure to build upon and personally form to our particular needs. The Prayer is a good way to teach a child how to pray, and is also a storehouse for the mature saint of God.

Its various parts unfold our relationship. Look how each phrase speaks of a relationship: He's

  • our Father—v. 9
  • our King—v. 10
  • our Provider—v. 11
  • our High Priest—v. 12
  • our Guide—v. 13a
  • our Deliverer—v. 13b.


Its parts also point to six petitions in prayer. The first three concern God directly: His name, His kingdom, His will. The second three petitions all have to do with man directly: our daily food, our sins, our temptations.

The priority of the Lord's Prayer

We can see, the first priority is: "His name, His kingdom, His will."

The second priority is: "give us, forgive us, lead us, deliver us." The Christian's primary concern is that God's name be hallowed, that His kingdom come, and that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. As a believer becomes more interested in how Jesus can be glorified, then he/she will have the right perspective when praying "give us, forgive us, lead us, deliver us."

The purpose of prayer

John 14:13—"And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father." God has priority in prayer, and His glory is the chief purpose of prayer.

[h1heading]The Prayer can be divided into 7 "A’s."[/h1heading]
  1. The audience—Our Father. . .
  2. The address—In heaven
  3. The adoration—hallowed be your name
  4. The affirmation—Your kingdom come, Your will be done.
  5. The appeal—Forgive us our debts. . .lead us not into temptation. . .deliver us from the evil one
  6. The adulation—For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever, Amen.
  7. The addendum—vv. 14-15