Sunday, February 09, 2025
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How to do a topical study so that our problems are matched with accurate Scriptural answers. A very complete example of a topical study on worry and anxiety will illustrate the process.

The Wisdom Book

A topical study can be a very exciting process, as a person goes to the Scripture to find answers to their problems. But certain rules and procedures should be followed. Typically the way such a study begins is by looking up a biblical word in the concordance that represents the contemporary problem or need they have. Then they list the references for that word and try to draw conclusions and answers from the references. More often than not, however, these studies will lead to errors in interpretation and application. 

A Topical Study Example: A Pro-Life Perspective

A second example of what a Topical Study might yield, this text illustrates the results of an extensive topical study on this difficult subject. Don't be intimidated by the length or the breadth of this study. Few topical studies will be this extensive. Studying just a few passages will yield wonderful results.

A Topical Study Example: Worry and Anxiety

To illustrate what such a Topical Study might yield, this outline will give the results of a rather extensive topical study on worry and anxiety that has actually been turned into a sermon. It will give you a good idea of how a study can look when it is complete, and reading through it might also give you some wisdom about the problem of worry and anxiety.


How to Do a Topical Study

How to Do A Topical Study will help you to do a thorough study and will make it less likely that a verse or verses are taken out of context and misapplied. The cults are notorious for taking Scriptures out of context and coming to bizarre interpretations based on their preconceived idea of what they want the passage to say. This process will help you to avoid that potential.