Friday, February 14, 2025
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With Eagle's Wings    |    Fly, Eagle, Fly

Section Three: Young Adult

13b] "I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one..."

14b] "I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one."


As we grow in our faith, John highlights three general characteristics of a young man (adult) in the faith. The three characteristic are:

  • They have overcome the evil one--v. 13;
  • They are strong--v. 14b; and
  • The Word of God lives in them--v. 14b.

Therefore, if we desire to grow up in our spiritual lives, it is wise that we mimic these three characteristics as well. This third section of the School of Discipleship is focused on that goal.

The Celebration of the Lord's Table

What is the Lord's Table all about? What do the elements represent, and how are we to approach this celebration of remembrance?

How to Be Strong During an Emotional Upheaval

Many who go through emotional upheaval in their lives end up adding to their problems by the way they handle their emotions. Truly, our emotions play a large part in making our lives meaningful or miserable. Take a look at some Scriptural examples that illustrate how to handle our emotions, particularly the negative ones.

The Ultimate Relay Race

How do we pass the torch of discipleship from one person, one generation, to the next? We'll look at 2 Timothy 2:1-3, noting what we are to be and what misconceptions we are to avoid when we purpose to disciple others and multiply ministry.

Strong in the Spirit and Ministry

We never know when we will have to extend the healing/help of Jesus to those who are in need. Therefore, we need to understand Jesus' heart for the needy and be prepared to express it. We call this Ministry 101-105: an overview of the Lord's ministry from His own lips.

Resource Section

Prayer Training

In this extensive resource you will find a number of training sessions on prayer. They provide several different perspectives on the ministry of prayer. They can be used for individual study, or as a source to develop "teaching outlines" for a prayer seminar.

The Word Of God Lives In You

We might call this section of the school an Eagle Flight to Higher Heights. Here we will discover some more significant and effective means to grow in our spiritual lives. If we are going to grow from spiritual infancy into spiritual young adulthood, the following section will be crucial to that process. These lessons are presented separately in a 7 hour seminar entitled Eagle Flight.

You Are Strong

14b] "I write to you, young men, because you are strong..."

You Have Overcome the Evil One

13b] "I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one..."

As followers of Jesus, it is obvious we are involved in a spiritual war. How are we to overcome our enemy? If we are to grow up in our faith, then we are going to need to understand our enemy’s ploys and how he is defeated. The following lessons give us the basic training and tactics we need in order to overcome the evil one.

On Being Hunted by a Lion, Part 1

It is important we are prepared for the one who stalks us as believers. We must know his ways, our defense, our company, and our promises.

On Being Hunted by a Lion, Part 2

The Light Became Darkness: an Introduction to the Evil One, and How to Overcome Him. This lesson explores the following questions: Is Satan real? How did Satan become the enemy of God and us? What is he like? How can we escape him?


On Being Hunted by a Lion, Part 3

The Believers' Enemy. A Study on Overcoming the Evil One. Explore the four things each believer needs to understand if he is going to fight effective battles.


On Being Hunted by a Lion, Part 4

Set Free from Satan. More principles to help us in our spiritual warfare, and some principles for victory!