Friday, February 14, 2025
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How to Pray for Significant Spiritual Needs—Mark 9:14-29

How to Pray for Significant Spiritual Needs

Mark 9:14-29

Let's talk about prayer.

  • What kind of faith do you have in the Church today?
  • What do you expect of the Church (collectively)?
  • What do you see the Church doing?
  • What kind of faith do you have for the ministry and impact of your Church?

Healing Solutions for Real Life Conditions —James 5:13-18

Healing Solutions for Real Life Conditions —James 5:13-18

Confession: A Study of Daniel's Prayer —Daniel 9


What are the elements of a prayer of true confession? Why would someone like Daniel need to pray one? Confession is often the missing element in our prayers. In this session, we'll look at Daniel's prayer and glean four lessons for our own prayer life.

The Adjustment of Fasting —Matthew 6:16-18

Fasting is one of the most misunderstood and least practiced spiritual disciplines. While most of us act as if the teachings on fasting are not at all important, Jesus had a different view. He never minimized fasting, but did correct and adjust the purpose and attitude that the religious attributed to it. Find out how to make fasting an effective part of your spiritual life.

How To Pray Persistently

Praying can be one of our most difficult disciplines to do consistently and persistently. We need to be inspired to take this activity seriously. For our biblical motivation, we will study Matthew 7:7-12. This passage shows us what persistent prayer entails.

Epaphras: the Warrior, Intercessor, Wrestler

In Colossians 4:12-

13, Paul gives us an example of the kind of prayer that is needed to impact our world and bring about spiritual revitalization in individuals and churches. In these two verses we have a description of the life of a mature and effective intercessor.

Few begin at this level, but this man certainly can be an inspiration of the potential and impact of an intercessor fully committed to this ministry. Verses 12-13 say, "Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. 13] I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis."

Reflect and Share Questions Two

Reflect and Share Questions on Intercession Part Two

This can be a self-study or a group study. Feel free to print it out! It is designed to help you hear and apply this teaching to your life and to those you may influence.

Reflect and Share Questions One

Reflect and Share Questions on Intercession Part One 

This can be a self-study or a group study. Feel free to print it out! It is designed to help you hear and apply this teaching to your life and to those you may influence.

Intercession Part Two

Protecting the Walls, Part Two

To help us see the work of an intercessor, let's go back to the second definition of intercession: "to send an official petition to the king or ruler."

Intercession Part One

Protecting the Walls

One of the greatest needs in the Church today is an understanding of the ministry of intercession. This study is designed to heighten our awareness of what intercession is, and why it is needed.