Friday, February 14, 2025
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With Eagle's Wings    |    Fly, Eagle, Fly

The Book of Psalms is full of songs that speak to our everyday life. From the heights of joy to the depths of despair - and everywhere in between - the Psalmists catalog the human condition and how God walks with us in it. This series selects key Psalms and expands on the meaning of their poetry to the writer and to the modern day reader. It also includes a teaching on writing your own Psalm!

Audio sessions are from Shoreline Community Church in Seattle, WA.

Psalm 3: Jaw and Teeth Breaking Psalm

When Walking Through Devastating Circumstances, Trials, or Betrayal

Introduction: What do we pray for when things are going from bad to worse? A very helpful practice is to go to the Scripture and pray the prayers of those who have gone through hard times themselves.

Psalm 5: A Morning Psalm

Seeking Godʼs Will and Perspective in Difficult and Stressful Times
(The Lightning has Struck and we are Shocked or Burned!)

Introduction: Have you ever felt overwhelmed and couldnʼt make a decision? You needed some obvious guidance, so you asked God not to be subtle. David felt that often and he prayed a great prayer: “Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies — make straight your way before me”—Psalm 5:8. (“Make the path straight and obvious, O Lord...”).

Psalm 34: When Acting a Little Crazy

“Of David. When he pretended to be insane before Abimelek who drove him away, and he left.” Introduction: The key verse in Psalm 34 is v. 18, “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Why would anyone write this verse? (See the title of the Psalm.)

Psalm 27: What are You Afraid Of?

Psychologists tell us that we are born with only two fears: loud noises and the fear of falling.

Psalm 133: A Journey

A Journey...

Cave Dwelling

Overview of Cave Psalms 34, 57, 142