Friday, February 14, 2025
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Why Eagleflight?

Learn how eagles reflect our spiritual journey...
With Eagle's Wings    |    Fly, Eagle, Fly

Part 2: Small Group Leadership

The small group leader is not the only teacher, and the small group is not a traditional class sitting in rows of chairs listening to a lecture. Learning comes through interaction, discovery, modeling of leaders, problem solving, and the study and application of the Scriptures.

Part 3: Small Group Topics

Discussion About Miscellaneous Topics

Part 5: Small Group Resources

Worshipping in Your Small Group

by Lynn Mather Breitenbach

Worship in a small group setting can be very different than in the large group setting, especially if you have folks who are insecure about their own worshiping. The first thing to do is to put people at ease by letting them know that we are all beginners in worship. Then help them by having a structure prepared to help them worship. Then model what you want your small group to do. This may mean that you have to step out of your own comfort zone. Use this as a challenge to grow deeper in worship.

Part 1: Small Group Beginnings

Once you have decided to begin a Christian small group, how do you get it started and keep it going? Understanding some of the basic issues in group life can help you build healthy small groups and avoid some of the more common mistakes. These issues include: